Help us spread the word about the Fourth Annual Union Job and Resource Center! The event is moving to a new location this year: the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 110 hall, located at 1330 Conway Street.
The job fair opens with an employer panel at 3 p.m. An on-site hiring event follows from 4 to 7 p.m. A list of participating employers will be posted March 22 at eastsidefreedomlibrary.org.
More information can be found on the Event Calendar here.
Event co-sponsors include the Saint Paul Regional Labor Federation, the City of Saint Paul, IBEW Local 110, UFCW Local 1189, the East Side Freedom Library, the Saint Paul Building and Construction Trades Council, Steamfitters-Pipefitters Local 455 and the Saint Paul Labor Studies and Resource Center’s AFL-CIO Community Services program.