Building Trades Legislative Priorities

Building Trades Legislative Priorities
- BONDING BILL: We support a large, balanced bonding bill that will fund infrastructure improvements throughout the state. There is a critical need for investment in improvements to roads, bridges, water infrastructure, schools – the list is long, and our communities need the legislature to invest now. Bonding for our communities will protect investments already made and will create family sustaining jobs.
- WAGE THEFT: In 2019 the Minnesota Legislature enacted the strongest Wage Theft law in the country. The Building and Construction Trades will work to ensure that the Wage Theft law continues to be a strong deterrent to wage theft and illegal trafficking of workers in the state
- PREVAILING WAGES. Ensuring prevailing wages are required and that prevailing wage requirements are enforced on all construction projects funded or financed by the public including public buildings, infrastructure, clean energy and affordable housing. Learn More.
- REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP. Supporting Construction Workforce Training through Registered Apprenticeship programs by encouraging registered apprentice utilization in industry, expanding union apprenticeship readiness programs and supporting age-appropriate and safe career exposure and exploration programs for youth including Construction Careers Pathways, Helmets to Hardhats, Construct Tomorrow and Building Strong Communities. Learn More.
Building Trades Priorities
- Growing Minnesota jobs that support Minnesota communities
- Investment in building, transportation, energy, and water infrastructure
- Ensuring prevailing wage and workplace safety on all Minnesota construction projects
- Developing Minnesota’s current and future workforce
- Supporting diversity and inclusion in the construction industry