Strengthen Refinery Workforce Safety and Skills
Through Construction Trades Registered Apprenticeship Programs
The Minnesota Legislature can strengthen safety standards for refinery workers, the environment and community by passing the Safe and Skilled Workforce Act.
Email your legislators here and ask them to pass the Refinery Safety Bill!
- The Safe and Skilled Workforce Act requires contractors working at oil refineries to employ a qualified workforce trained through registered apprenticeship or equivalent programs.
- Oil refineries are among the highest-hazard facilities in Minnesota for both workers and host communities.
- A recent study and news reports highlight the risk that use of unskilled construction workers could potentially jeopardize the safety of workers and local residents.
- Increased use of registered apprenticeship would expand opportunities for local workers.
- Similar policies have been adopted in California, New Jersey, and Washington and are being considered in other states.
- Firefighters have testified that a major refinery fire could quickly overwhelm the capacity of local fire departments.
- The Environmental Protection Agency found that a toxic hydrogen flouride plume could travel up to 19 miles, putting 1.7 million Minnesotans at potential risk.
- The Safe and Skilled Workforce Act would not exclude any individual or business from working at a refinery.