Building Trades 2020 Webinar Series
Join the Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council for a series of webinars that address issues important to the Building Trades Members. Each webinar will focus on a single topic with an industry expert. Webinars are generally one hour in length with time for questions.

Pro-10 Refresher Webinar
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Join Tom Cherioli of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services and Pro-10 trainer to learn more about the Pro-10 program for the union construction industry and how Pro-10 helps challenge the perceptions and develops the skills of union construction professionals.

Minnesota Labor History Webinar
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Get a refresher on the history of working people in the United States, with specific emphasis on the history of the Building Trades. Explore important events and figures from U.S. labor history; the history of unions in the U.S. and Minnesota; and how the Civil Rights movement, Women’s Rights movement, and other movements for social change have played essential roles in shaping the American workplace.

Minnesota Prevailing Wage Webinar
Monday, October 19, 2020
Join Mike Wilde, Executive Director of the Fair Contracting Foundation to learn about the history of Prevailing Wage laws, how Prevailing Wage is applied and enforced on State Funded construction projects and why Prevailing Wage is important to Minnesota Building Trades members.